Rockstar Results

So, we took an idea, became the “oomph” and moved on to playing a vital role in financial offices throughout the country. But, we wondered, were they as happy with us as we were with them? Well, we certainly hoped so.

Thankfully, we didn’t have to wonder for too long – some of our placements are so successful and happy with their positions that they wanted to shout it from the rooftops! Not only that, but, we are so happy that they’re happy that we wanted to shout right along with them! But then we got a better idea. What if we didn’t yell (you know, angry neighbors and whatnot) and instead asked them a few additional questions to help future applicants (you) get a better feel for the office environment?

Although we went with option 2, you may occasionally see our placements shouting from a rooftop here or there. Read on for the unedited scoop on what it’s like to work in a financial advisory.


Rockstar #1:

How long have you worked at your current office? 5 ½ months

What is your position? Client Operations Specialist

Do you enjoy the office environment? If so, what makes it pleasant? I love the office environment, there is always something going on so it’s important to stay on your feet; there is a lot of flow through our office.

If you could go back and give yourself advice on your very first day, what would it be? If I could go back, I would tell myself not to worry about catching on. This position has taken time to get use to and I am still learning.

What makes you successful in your position? I think my initiative has been a part of my success. I’m willing to try new things and learn new things. That is what will make me a better employee and a better asset for this firm.

What do you love most about your job? Questions 6 and 7 can go hand in hand. What I love most about my job is also something I dislike about it at times. I enjoy the days that we are busy and there is a lot to do. I work better when I have a lot going on and I’m capable of multi-tasking. However, when there is a lot to be done, I don’t think I have enough time to accomplish it all.

What is your least favorite aspect of your job? See answer to 7

What do you think someone new to the financial industry should know? For someone that is new to this industry, I would advise them to not take things personally. In this industry, we constantly deal with people that are unhappy about their money; what the markets are doing, why they have too much or too little, clients aren’t happy with fees or the advice they’ve received. There’s a lot that can go on in this industry and that’s not all on your shoulders.

What makes you feel accomplished in your position? Gaining more responsibilities makes me feel accomplished. It reflects that I’m being trusted with the tasks I have and am being trusted with the additional ones being given. Yes, having a heavy load can be stressful but I would rather be stressed than be bored.


Rockstar #2:

How long have you worked at your current office? 2 months

What is your position? Client Relations & Marketing Coordinator

Do you enjoy the office environment? If so, what makes it pleasant? Yes, everyone is friendly and talkative, and the office is decorated nice so it is very inviting.

If you could go back and give yourself advice on your very first day, what would it be? Don’t feel overwhelmed, you will catch on pretty quickly!

What makes you successful in your position? Clients feeling welcome and enjoying their visit, appointments going smoothly and getting results in marketing.

What do you love most about your job? My coworkers and the clients.

What is your least favorite aspect of your job? How crazy and spontaneous some days can be (I’m a planner) but I’m learning to go with it.

What do you think someone new to the financial industry should know? You do not have to be a financial expert to be a key part of a financial team.

What makes you feel accomplished in your position? When everything runs smoothly, when clients compliment me, and when my managers tell me I’m doing a good job.


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